Wipe Out

Efrat Baler-Moses is an Israeli-born, New York-based multidisciplinary artist with…
“Wipe Out” is part of a series exploring the hidden narratives behind seemingly ordinary objects, revealing deeper, unsettling layers beneath their facades. Made in response to the October 7th Hamas terror attacks on Israel, this piece draws from impactful media images depicting the scattered aftermath of toys, household items, and other debris. Baler-Moses tries to convey the vulnerability of innocent lives affected by violence.
Brightly colored children’s alphabet wooden blocks take center stage. The piece comprises two panels: canvas and an attached wood panel featuring three-dimensional alphabet blocks scattered across landscapes hinting at underlying turmoil, with distant horizons marked by fires and smoke.
“Wipe Out” features a partially obscured “W” block connected to the wooden panel, where the blocks spell “HOPE.” However, the falling “O” can also transform the message into “NO HOPE.” An “X” block positioned behind the wood panel serves as a prop, further accentuating the themes of destruction and loss present in the artwork.
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Efrat Baler-Moses is an Israeli-born, New York-based multidisciplinary artist with a BFA in Sculpture and Painting from the Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem. A recipient of the American-Israeli Culture Foundation grant, she has built a successful career as an educator, lecturer, and artist, participating in over 50 group shows and 6 solo exhibitions in the United States, Israel, and Germany.
I told my doctor I was seeing a Jewish man
I told my doctor I wanted more children
He arranged for me to be sterilized against my will
I was arrested by police
I was forced into a hospital
I was physically restrained by two large nurses and
I was injected with chemicals that caused my menstrual cycle to end
Because I told my doctor I wanted more children
Both my parents are Jews
I am 100% Jewish DNA !
I-am spus medicului meu că mă văd cu un evreu
I-am spus doctorului meu că vreau mai mulți copii
A aranjat să fiu sterilizat împotriva voinței mele
Am fost arestat de poliție
Am fost forțat să intru într-un spital
Am fost reținut fizic de două asistente mari și
Mi s-au injectat substanțe chimice care mi-au provocat sfârșitul ciclului menstrual
In permanenta
Pentru că i-am spus medicului meu că vreau mai mulți copii
Ambii mei părinți sunt evrei
Sunt 100% ADN evreu!