A Gazan Family Celebration

Pesach Rotem was born and raised in New York and…
The family is gathered in the salon:
Dad and Mom and Little Brother.
The phone rings.
Dad answers.
It’s Big Brother Mahmoud,
calling from Israel!
How exciting!
“Hello Dad,” says Mahmoud. “Dad, I am inside Mefalsim. Open your WhatsApp right now and see all the killed. Look at how many I killed with my own hands. Your son killed Jews.”
And the proud father says, “Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar. May God protect you.”
And Mahmoud goes on: “This is inside Mefalsim, Father. I am talking to you from the phone of a Jew, I killed her and her husband, I killed ten with my own hands.”
“Allahu Akhbar” says the proud father again.
“I am in Meflasim, Father. I killed ten. Ten! Ten with my own bare hands. Their blood is on my hands. Let me talk to Mom.”
The mother, bursting with pride in her baby boy: “Oh, my son, may God protect you.”
“I killed ten all by myself, Mother.”
And Mom, wistfully, “I wish I was there with you.”
One can only imagine the celebration.
Cake and ice cream and halvah.
Strong black coffee.
Alcohol is forbidden, but raise a glass of Coca Cola and drink —
not “L’chaim,” of course, but its opposite —
“To death!”
The Partridge Family, it ain’t.
The poem is based on a real incident that happened on October 7th, 2023, where a Hamas terrorist called back home to Gaza to boast to his parents of the Jews he had killed. This incident is absolutely NOT representative of all the people of Gaza or of Palestine. However, it is certainly representative of many of them. There is real and widespread antisemitism among the Palestinian population. To solve a problem, one must first recognize that the problem exists. The massacre of October 7th did not come from revolutionary fervor. It came from a Nazi-esque hatred of Jews.
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Pesach Rotem was born and raised in New York and now lives in Yodfat in the Lower Galilee. He is a member of the Voices Israel Group of Poets in English and of the Israel Association of Writers in English. His poem “Professor Hofstadter’s Brain” was nominated for a Best of the Net Award.