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Golem DNA

Golem DNA

The double helix DNA of the Golem is now preserved in marble, and will re-create a new Golem whenever the Jews are in jeopardy.  On the top of the double helix is carved the word “Emet”, “truth” in Hebrew. 

In the original story of the Golem of Prague, the Golem was activated to protect the Jews of the city by inscribing “Emet” on its forehead. To deactivate the Golem, the letter aleph was removed, transforming the word “truth” to the word “death”.

 (2001) White Carrara Marble 17″ x 11″ 13″

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  • The assumption that the term ‘Nazi’ denotes a closed and unrepeatable chapter is
    questioned. As with the Holocaust that followed, medical killing of psychiatric
    patients was an open secret with gradations of collective knowing. Perpetrators
    were impelled by pressure from peers and superiors, unquestioning obedience,
    racist ideology and careerism. Perpetrators’ and bystanders’ denial was facilitated
    by use of deceptive language, bureaucratic and technical proficiency, and notions
    such as “a greater cause’ or ‘sacred mission’. Disassociation and numbing were
    common. Psychiatrists were the main medical specialty involved because Nazi race
    and eugenic ideology (accepted by many psychiatrists) targeted mentally ill people
    for sterilisation and euthanasia and because psychiatrists were state-controlled and
    tended to objectify patients. Few psychiatrists resisted. This article was published in the
    Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. This article describes an ideology known
    as eugenics.

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