Grape Juice and Challah

Ted Goldstein is a 25 year old Jewish poet and…

Grape Juice and Challah,
Every Friday night,
After Hebrew School,
A child’s sweet delight.
Apples dipped in honey,
For the first day of the year,
Just a little sweetness,
For a child loved so dear.
Donuts and a latke,
For when the days get slow,
As we sing our songs,
And the candles burn down low.
Some kids know all the prayers,
Some kids may know just one,
But that does not matter,
As long as they have fun.
One hundred days,
One hundred nights,
That they have not been home.
They must miss play,
They must miss light,
They must feel so alone.
What would we give,
To hear them say,
“Can I have another latke?”
One hundred days,
One hundred nights,
They must miss the taste of Challah.
Are they OK?
Are they alright,
In those dungeons made for Allah?
Our G-d’s disgraced,
By men who treat,
A child’s life like fodder.
A child should have sweetness,
From the adults inside their lives,
They should not be raised by villains,
Who behind children like to hide.
Gaza has a problem,
And it’s not the IDF,
It’s that they’re ruled by monsters,
Who for their own could not care less.
Grape juice and Challah,
And a taste of something sweet,
For every child trapped in Gaza,
It’s a parents’ job to feed.
So let us show them love,
They have all been so deprived,
Let us give them all the hugs,
That they have been denied.
Every child needs a home,
Every child needs protection,
Sheltered by an iron dome,
Of familial affection.
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Ted Goldstein is a 25 year old Jewish poet and educator from Los Angeles. He studied History at Princeton University and teaches English, Government, and Speech and Debate at a small yeshiva high school in Pico-Robertson. He is currently working on his first novel and collection of poetry, One Hundred Days of Night. He also publishes a Zionist substack called It Is No Dream, which you can read here. His work focuses on the intersection between modern mental health struggles and ancient Jewish wisdom and challenges his reader to reimagine their understanding of the modernity, religion, and the human soul.
Monique and Bianca have serious wisdom teeth ruptured that need to be operated on immediately and my bank account has been emptied deliberately so that my authority as their Jewish mother is undermined. I cannot find a trustworthy dental surgeon or the finance to get this urgent surgery performed. Please help me arrange this as I do not trust their current advisors!
Monique și Bianca au molari de minte serioși rupti, care trebuie operate imediat, iar contul meu bancar a fost golit în mod deliberat, astfel încât autoritatea mea ca mama lor evreică este subminată. Nu pot găsi un chirurg stomatologic de încredere sau finanțare pentru a efectua această intervenție chirurgicală urgentă. Vă rog să mă ajutați să aranjez acest lucru, deoarece nu am încredere în consilierii lor actuali!