
Pesach Rotem was born and raised in New York and…
Granted, there hasn’t been much to smile about lately,
what with the war and all,
but when a member of the Turkish parliament named Hasan Bitmez
gives a speech lambasting Israel for its supposed crimes and atrocities
and concludes with a stern warning that Israel will “not escape the wrath of Allah”
and then immediately has a heart attack
and dies,
how can that fail to put a smile on anyone’s face?
God is great.
Visual Design by Harsh Gattani. Harsh is from India. He is an Editorial Assistant for Green Golem.
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Pesach Rotem was born and raised in New York and now lives in Yodfat in the Lower Galilee. He is a member of the Voices Israel Group of Poets in English and of the Israel Association of Writers in English. His poem “Professor Hofstadter’s Brain” was nominated for a Best of the Net Award.
I told my doctor I was seeing a Jewish man
I told my doctor I wanted more children
He arranged for me to be sterilized against my will
I was arrested by police
I was forced into a hospital
I was physically restrained by two large nurses and
I was injected with chemicals that caused my menstrual cycle to end
Because I told my doctor I wanted more children
Both my parents are Jews
I am 100% Jewish DNA !