I Had a Brother

J.D. Carpenter is the pen name of an IDF soldier…

I have a brother with whom I stood in fields of ashes and soot
We heard the wails, we braved the storm of lead.
I have a brother with whom I bled.
I have a brother with whom I shared
a coffee, a laugh, a spot in the mud
the trauma.
I have a brother who understood the quiet in the storm
The chaos that we met at nights, followed by the serene morning
I have a brother who joined me in the mourning.
I have a brother, she a husband, and them a son.
I stand in those fields, from afar now
I dream the storm, still loud
you did not weather.
Not together.
I had a brother, her a husband, them a son.
J.D. Carpenter is the pen name of an IDF soldier currently defending Israel. “I Had a Brother” is his first poem with Green Golem: The Zionist Literary Magazine. We at GG thank him for his service, and for his art.
Visual design by Dan Harris @jewishpaperguy
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J.D. Carpenter is the pen name of an IDF soldier currently defending Israel.