Garnata Al Yahud

Charis Nwaozuzu is a Cherokee Jewish tattoo artist out of…
The pomegranate is one of Judaism’s oldest symbols. In a world of weaponized watermelon, the pomegranate stands as a sweet reminder of Jewish faith and longevity. Pomegranates are said to contain an average of 613 seeds: the same as the number of commandments in the Torah.
The title “Garnata Al-Yahud” refers to the old Jewish community of Granada, Spain. The city of Granada’s own name is derived from the Latin word for pomegranate, “granata”. The word “grenade” also comes from “granata”, because the original grenades were shaped like pomegranates.
The plant pictured growing around the grenade is Tradescantia, commonly called “wandering Jew”.
The pomegranate is a symbol Jews chose for ourselves. “Wandering Jew” was a symbol foisted upon us by non-Jews. By combining both symbols with that of an IDF grenade, Nwaozuzu represents Jewish strength and endurance. Whether in Israel or in the diaspora, and whether in war or in peace, Jews will continue to survive and thrive.
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Charis Nwaozuzu is a Cherokee Jewish tattoo artist out of Oklahoma. She believes that storytelling through art is deeply rooted in both of her cultures, and is excited to be passing that tradition down to the next generation.